
Showing posts from September, 2022

Black eternity

For those who relish the blurring lines between reality and existences lurking beyond, the recently released epic book "KALEIDOSCOPIC SHADES: WITHIN BLACK ETERNITY" by David A. Neuman catapults readers into such unknowns.At 566 pages, the book is a doorstopper of a novel that fans of sci-fi and paranormal thrillers can really sink their teeth into. It’s a homage to "The Twilight Zone" overlaid with "Alice in Wonderland," with its own soundtrack, including Satchmo trumpeting, classic rock, a twisted version of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" and always the eerie, persistent sound of tinkling bells.The book has been described by Editor Jason Pettus as "part Stephen King, part David Mitchell, part David Lynch … with [an] emphasis on wry humor and clever wordplay."It seems fitting that the author himself calls the novel an "adventure of escapism," explaining, "The world has become a pressure cooker. If I can be a release-valve, ...